Our Curriculum

Introduction To Translational Nutrigenetics


ABC’S of genetics

This lesson goes through some of the basic definitions that are important for understanding genetics. It aims to answer some of the basic questions like what is DNA, how does it function, what does DNA do, in short decrypting the code of life.


The science behind personalised nutrition

In this lesson, we will define and illustrate (with practical examples) the difference between nutrigenetics, nutrigenomics and epigenetics that will help understand the science of nutritional genomics.


Nutritional genomics in dietetic and nutrition practice

This lesson aims to answer how genetics is changing how we personalise nutrition recommendations, what is the evidence base for genetics and nutrition needs such as macronutrients, micronutrients and food sensitivities such as lactose, gluten and caffeine and What can we learn from genetics and use in practice and what is considered evidenced based practice.


Clinical application of nutrigenetics

This lesson focusses on the clinical application of the science of nutrigenetics and provide information to usefully interpret a nutrigenetics report. This will enable practicing clinicians to become familiar with using this comprehensive tool in their practice.

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